Thursday 23 October 2008

Three Email and Telephone Contacts

As many of you know, the website do not offer anything but a generic telephone number and online query request.

I have been scouring the net for direct email addresses and telephone numbers and have come up with the following results for a selection of forums and sites

I have recieved a call from Glasgow from this number which may be worth trying: 07533 336759 although it was a call for an upgrade so not sure.

I haven't tried and tested any of these so use them at your discretion Although I'm guessing you'll get an automated response from here.

08707 330295: Seems to be a number that directs you to the Glasgow Customer Service Center A recent forum post suggested this as a successful contact (director of Customer Services). Make sure you have a valid reason for contacting him and all the relevent details.

The following landline/free numbers have been obtained from Say No To 0870:

01442 456195/0800 3586795 (freephone) - Customer Services Straight to the Operator

01628 765000 - Head Office (Maidenhead Switchboard)
Disclaimer: Please note that we have not affiliation with the Three Mobile network, Hutchison 3G or any of their subsidiaries. This site has not been created to attack the network but to provide a consumer site to assist in resolving issues for Three customers. We welcome any feedback and comments from Three themselves.